Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOV. 15>23, 2024, Nantes France

Home > Films > Automation


by Nati MEIR


Haim lives in the Shaar Hanegev – Sderot region and puts up billboards for a living. Haim is affected by the stressful security situation ; every time he hears a rocket fire alarm, he is instantly stricken with panic attacks and hallucinations. It is only after he hears the explosion, indicating his life is no longer in danger, that he can resume his routine. One day Haim doesn’t hear the sound of the explosion. He is trapped in a world of madness, fear and insomnia that merge with consumerism, politics and his inner world as a man who puts up billboards for a living.

  • Titre français
  • Montage
    Hanan Gmaze
  • Son
    Idan Ohayon
  • Musique
    Maxim Levy
  • Interprétation
    Nati Meir
  • Producteur délégué
    Nati Meir
  • Directeur artistique
    Nati Meir, Idan Ohayon, Gadi Meir

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