Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Without Fear

Without Fear
(Bez Strakha )



An Uzbek Red Army officer in the 1920s is in charge of his local village. His task is modernization, and one of the first, gigantic steps is to allow women to drop their veils and enlighten themselves. A brave teenage girl offers to step forward and set the example, setting off a series of charged, tragic encounters from which no one, from the soldier’s young bride to his militant father-in-law to the intransigent mullahs, emerges unscathed.

  • Titre français
    Without Fear
  • Original title
    Bez Strakha
  • Titre international
    Without Fear
  • Scénario
    Kamil Iachen, Ali Khamraev D. Fatkhouline
  • Photo
    D. Fatkhouline
  • Musique
    Ravil Vildano
  • Interprétation
    T. Chakirova, D. Kambarova, R. Sagdoullaev, K. Latypov
  • Ventes internationales
    Alla Verlotsky, Seagull Films (États-Unis) : alla.verlotsky@gmail.com

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