The story revolves around a small group of transsexual sex-workers under the care of Kak Su who runs a tailor workshop. Through the myriad of characters, we are introduced to Chow Kit and the colourful sex-worker community of Kuala Lumpur. Together they deal with the challenges of being sex-workers in a very traditional society, where police raids are daily occurrences, and hormone treatments, drug use, brutality and AIDS are part of the life- style — a subculture of squalor and glamour filled with contradictions and hypocrisy. Rejected by their families, they depend on each other, where friends are the only people one can trust and where only love and affection can fuel community spirit and action.
Open Fire
(Bukak Api)
by Osman ALI
- Malaysia
- 1998
- Documentaire
- Couleur
- 78′
- Titre français
Bukak Api - Original title
Bukak Api - Titre international
Open Fire - Scénario
Osman Ali - Photo
Daven Ragharan - Montage
Rakesh - Son
Nur Zaidi - Musique
Anton Morgan - Production
Julian Jayaseelan - Support de projection
35 mm - Sous-titrage
VOST électronique