Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > ...and the Moon Dances

...and the Moon Dances
(Bulan Tertusuk Ilalang)

by Garin NUGROHO

A woman and a man of different backgrounds meet while searching for the true nature of theirselves. Their journey begins at Waluyo’s, a maestro of classical Javanese arts. Moon is a modem, yet confused woman who wishes to stand up alone in an unconven- tional manner by giving her life to Waluyo, although not as a wife. Ilalang’s search for himself comes in the form of a dream to become a composer. He had a gloomy child- hood, overshadowed by a dominant father who disliked his son’s closeness to his mother. The encounter of the three characters takes place when each of them is striving to be in touch with his own consciousness again. When Waluyo dies, Moon decides to remain in his house and find her identity as a simple, modestJavanese woman. Ilalang makes the painful decision to leave, yet he believes this too is part of the process of searching for his inner self.

  • Titre français
    Bulan Tertusuk Ilalang
  • Original title
    Bulan Tertusuk Ilalang
  • Titre international
    ...and the Moon Dances
  • Scénario
    Armantano, Garin Nugroho
  • Photo
  • Montage
    Arturo G. Pradjawisastra
  • Son
  • Interprétation
    Paquita Widjaja, Ki Soetarman, Norman Wibowo, Pramana PMD
  • Production
    National Film Council Department of Information
  • Support de projection
    35 mm

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