Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > Chom and Sa

Chom and Sa
(Chom và Sa)

by PHAM Ky Nam


The war seen through the eyes of two children, abandoned to themselves in the Vietnamese countryside. Chom, 13 and his sister Sa, 10, take refuge in the forest to escape the bombings. But soldiers are on the prowl and the starving children risk being caught in the middle of one of the ambushes set by the two opposing sides. A pioneering filmmaker, Pham Ky Nam trained at the IDHEC before returning to Vietnam in 1956 where his career ended in 1979 with Confessions Before Dawn. JB

  • Titre français
    Chom et Sa
  • Original title
    Chom và Sa
  • Titre international
    Chom and Sa
  • Scénario
    CAM Ky, PHAM Ky Nam
  • Photo
    PHAM Thien Thuyet
  • Montage
    NGUYEN Thi Ninh
  • Son
    HOANG Viet
  • Musique
    NGUYEN Dinh Tich
  • Interprétation
    VU Van Dung, NGUYEN Kien Cuong, NGUYEN Thi Bich Van, NGUYEN Anh Thai, LE Van
  • Production
    Vietnam Feature Film Studio
  • Distribution
    Contact copie : Cinémathèque française
  • Support de projection
  • Sous-titrage
    VOST électronique

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