Four young men on their way to a first sexual experience with a prostitute.
Their chatting and boasting leave little room for more personal discussions. Indeed, this boys outing seems trimmed by a setback that is beyond words: interior monologues emerge without warning, catching on to anyone who crosses the frame, broadly tracing their life up to their death. This method is beyond any notion of explanation or psychological speculation, becoming a strange and overpowering score of biographical notes that opens up depths and closes off destinies. With this first feature film, whose writing resembles a balancing-act, George Peter Barbari plays with genres, a fluid form of road- or buddy-movie that completely refers to its existential double, a long act of drowning bathed in warm light. “I see you. Can you see me?”. FM
French Premiere
Realise in Lebanon on March 17, 2022 and on Itunes, Google Play and ONS.