Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Deaths and Wonders

Deaths and Wonders
(Muertes y Maravillas)

by Diego SOTO


Summer, three teenagers visit their seriously ill friend, Fuenza. He suddenly seems to recover and, without realising it, the group of friends share his last days. For Juanpa, it is also the start of something: Fuenza had lent him the book, Muertes y Maravillas. Poetry makes its entry, mysteriously connecting the experience of a creative epiphany with the ordeal of mourning. A gentle intrusion, without clamour, an unexpected and necessary encounter, a tiny flame sustained throughout a mise en scène that is all the more sober and attentive… In this second feature film, Diego Soto films his younger brother and his group of friends in the town Rancagua, in Chile, as if to take a distant look (he himself is only just thirty) at the solemn intensity of developing the human spirit, exploring the ties that we weave with the world and ourselves. FM

French Premiere

  • Titre français
    Deaths and Wonders
  • Original title
    Muertes y Maravillas
  • Scénario
    Diego SOTO
  • Photo
  • Montage
    Diego SOTO
  • Son
    Alexis DONOSO, Cristobal CARRASCO
  • Interprétation
    Juan Pablo SOTO, Benjamín FUENZALIDA, Yanko BRAVO, Matías CISTERNAS
  • Production
    Las Noches Cine, Santiago Independiente
  • Coproduction
    Santiago Independiente
  • Ventes internationales
  • Support de projection
  • Sous-titrage
    VOST électronique

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