Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > Derrière la moustiquaire

Derrière la moustiquaire
(Behind the mosquito net)

by Teguh KARYA

A young couple, Hasan and Nurlela, would like to live alone, but for economic reasons they are obliged to live with her family. Tensions run high in the household: Nurlela’s father-in-law constantly criticises him and discredits him in his wife’s eyes in favour of her brother-in-law Buku. As if that wasn’t enough, Nurlela loses her job and becomes a taxi driver to make ends meet. Relations between the couple turn sour when her father-in-law suspects Nurlela of having an affair with another woman, and asks her to divorce him.

  • Titre français
    Derrière la moustiquaire
  • Original title
    Behind the mosquito net
  • Scénario
    Teguh Karya, Slamet Rahardjo
  • Photo
    Tantra Suryadi
  • Montage
    George Kamarullan
  • Musique
    Eros Djarot
  • Interprétation
    Christine Hakim, Slamet Rahardjo, Nungki Kusumastuti, Mamli Sitompul
  • Production
    P.T Sukma Putra Film

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