Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > God Will Pay It Back to You

God Will Pay It Back to You
(Dios se lo pague)

by Luis César AMADORI

A worker called Juca has his plans of an invention taken away by his own boss. In despair, his wife kills herself. Juca decides to take his revenge. He dresses as a beggar and becomes a millionaire. He meets a prostitute and takes her as his mistress. But she soon leaves with another man who is actually the son of Juca’s former boss. When he realises this, the alleged beggar decides to give up his revenge so that the woman he loves lives a happy life…

  • Titre français
    Dieu vous le rendra
  • Original title
    Dios se lo pague
  • Titre international
    God Will Pay It Back to You
  • Scénario
    Luis César Amadori, Tulio Demicheli d'après la pièce de Joracy Camargo
  • Photo
    Alberto Etchebehere
  • Montage
    Jorge Garate
  • Son
    Mario Fezia, Carlos Marin
  • Musique
    Juan Ehlert, Jorge Kenny à l'orgue
  • Interprétation
    Arturo de Cordova, Zully Moreno, Florindo Ferrario, Enrique Chaico, Federico Mansilla, Zoe Ducos, Real Homero Manzi, Ralph Pappier Scen Homero Manzi Photo Bob Roberts Mont Nicolas Prosperio, José Comellas,
  • Production
    Argentina Sono Film Atilio Mentasti

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