Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Gangsters' Kingdom

Gangsters' Kingdom
(El reino de los gangsters)

by Juan OROL

In an imaginary country, Guido Sarmiento’s gang, supported by a high Government official, commits crimes with total impunity. Johnny Carmenta, the opposition leader, decides to challenge the criminals. He lives with Helen, his mistress and assistant. Johnny relentlessly fights Guido. One day, his enemies take him “for a little drive”, but he manages to put their car out of action. The corrupted official gets the sack .Johnny kills Mario, his brother-in-law, believing be was protecting his sister, Mary. He is taken to court but the jury acquits him, fearing revenge. Mary doesn’t knowJohnny is her brother and tries to poison him. At a fancy dress bail, Johnny and his men kill ail the members of Guido’s gang. Unfortunately, Johnny is betrayed by Helen and her brother, who is a policeman.

  • Titre français
    El reino de los gangsters
  • Original title
    El reino de los gangsters
  • Titre international
    Gangsters' Kingdom
  • Scénario
    Juan Orol
  • Photo
    Domingo Carrillo
  • Montage
    Juan José Marino
  • Musique
    Max Urban, Armando Valdespi
  • Interprétation
    Juan Orol, Rosa Carmina, Lilia Prado, Manuel Arvide, Enrique Zambrano, Juanita Riverón, Francisco Jambrina, Roberto Canedo.
  • Production
    España Sono Films, Juan Orol
  • Support de projection
    16 mm

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