Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > Jade Love

Jade Love
(Yu Qing Sao)


Yu-Ching is a widow from a good family whose husband had died after only one year of marriage. Unable to get along with her in-laws, Yu-ching moves to Guilin to become a domestic servant to the Li family. She is put in charge of the young master Jung with whom she soon establishes an intimate relationship. One evening, Jung comes home from the theater and discovers that Yu-ching bas secretly gone out of the house through the backdoor. Jung follows Yu-ching to the house of Ching-sheng with whom she has an affair. After that, Ching-sheng meets another woman and this new liaison will cause a tragedy of jealousy.

  • Titre français
    Jade Love
  • Original title
    Yu Qing Sao
  • Titre international
    Jade Love
  • Scénario
    Chang Yi
  • Photo
    LIN Tzu-jung
  • Son
    Wang Yung-fang
  • Musique
    Chang Hung-yi
  • Interprétation
    Yang Hui-shan, Juang Sheng-t'ien, Ling Ting-feng
  • Production
    Cosmos Film
  • Support de projection
    35 mm

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