Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi

Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi

by Leon DAI


Wu-Hsiung, father of a seven-year-old girl, lives in a fishing village in Kaohsiung with his daughter. Despite his lower level of income, he leads a simple but satisfying life with the girl. When his daughter reaches the age for school, he has to struggle with the police department and the social workers for her custody and domicile registration. Driven by desperation for help, he dares to challenge society with daunting moves threatening to jump off the pedestrian bridge with his daughter, under live media broadcast.

  • Titre français
    Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi
  • Scénario
    Leon Dai, Wen-Pin Chen
  • Photo
    Hsiang-Yu Chang, Yi-Wen Chou
  • Montage
    Leon DaiDennis Tsaoi
  • Son
    Dennis Tsaoi
  • Musique
    Kageyama Yukihiko
  • Interprétation
    Wen-Pin Chen, Yo Hsuan Chao, Chih-Ju Lin
  • Production
    Luminoso Film, Partyzoo Film
  • Décors
    Ta-Hua HuoLeon Dai
  • Ventes internationales
    Atom Cinema (Weijan Liu)
  • Distribution
    Héliotrope : lad-heliotrope@noos.fr

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