Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > La estacion del regreso

La estacion del regreso
(La estacion del regreso)

by Leonardo KOCKING

La Estacion del regreso3

Paula reflects on the events that led to this long bus journey: her husband, Carlos, is being held by the police. She and their good friend Gerardo are unable to help him. Her friend, Isabel, offers to move in with her. Paula spends her time looking for Carlos and learns that he is interned in a camp 2,000 kilometers away. But now she’s reliving an old love affair with Gerardo. Paula can’t forget her husband, but when her sister refuses to accompany her to the internment camp, she realizes that it’s Gerardo she really loves. When she arrives at the camp, she learns that Carlos has been transferred. She has to make a decision before the harsh journey home is over.

  • Titre français
    La estacion del regreso
  • Original title
    La estacion del regreso
  • Scénario
    José Ramon et Leonardo Kocking
  • Photo
    Beltran Garcia
  • Montage
    Pedro Chaskel
  • Musique
    Domingo Vial
  • Interprétation
    M. Erica Ramos, Alejandro Cohen, Carmen Pelissier, Jose Soza, Javier Maldonado, Gloria Lazo
  • Production
  • Sous-titrage

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