Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > The moon and the sun

The moon and the sun
(Rembulan dan matahari)

by Slamet RAHARDJO

In his youth, Wong Bagus violated the order of his village by defiling the honor of his childhood friend. He was expelled from the village. During his wanderings, he ended up in a city slum where he learned to love, respect and help others. However, observing the sufferings of city dwellers, he feels the need to return to his village, where he hopes to make amends by putting himself at the service of the inhabitants. He finally realizes that man must live like the moon and the sun, where each rotation has its own place, creating balance and harmony in the universe.

  • Titre français
    La Lune et le soleil
  • Original title
    Rembulan dan matahari
  • Titre international
    The moon and the sun
  • Scénario
    Slamet Rahardjo
  • Photo
    Tantra Suryadi
  • Montage
    Suryo Susanto
  • Musique
    Franki Raden
  • Interprétation
    Nungki Kusumastuti, Djago Sasongko, Christine Sukandar, Hasan Sanoesi
  • Production
    P.T. Darma Putra Film Corporation
  • Ventes internationales
    PT GARUDA Film

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