Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Daughter of the flames

Daughter of the flames
(Bourei Tal)

by IM Kwon-taek

Hae Jun-lee, editor-in-chief of an important women’s magazine, returns to his native island to cover a story, but he also has a personal motivation. His mother had disappeared when he was 13 and he has been unable to find a trace of her. He has the same nightmare every night : his mother, dressed in white, throws herself into the flames of a huge, demoniac fire. He learns that his mother had been the apprentice of a famous sorcerer…

  • Titre français
    La Sorcière
  • Original title
    Bourei Tal
  • Titre international
    Daughter of the flames
  • Scénario
    Song Kil-han
  • Photo
    Jung Il-sung
  • Interprétation
    Park Hyung-gun, Hee Pang
  • Production
    Dong-A Cinema Corp. Ltd

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