Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > L’Aliéniste

(Azyllo Muito Louco)


19th century. The people of Serafim province no longer had a priest. To guide them, Father Simao comes from the capital, a priest with advanced ideas. He is more concerned with the mental health of his parishioners than the salvation of their souls. With the help of Dona Evarista, a wealthy bourgeois, he built an asylum, “La Casa Verde”, where he locked up almost the entire population of the town. Disturbed by the situation, the provincial authorities want to strip the priest of his powers as an alienist. In “La Casa Verde”, the confusion is total: no one knows who’s crazy and who’s not. The only way to restore Serafim’s social and financial equilibrium is to free its population and lock up Father Simao.

  • Titre français
  • Original title
    Azyllo Muito Louco
  • Scénario
    Nelson Pereira Dos Santos, d'après la nouvelle "O Alienista" de Machado de Assis
  • Photo
    Dib Lutfi
  • Montage
    Rafael Justo Valverde
  • Assistant réalisateur
    Luiz Carlos Lacerdas de Freitas
  • Musique
    Guilherme Magalhaes Vaz
  • Interprétation
    Nildo Parente, Isabel Ribeiro, Arduino Colasanti , Irène Stéfania, Manfredo Colasanti, Nelson Dantas, José Cléber, Ana Maria Magalhaes, Leila Diniz
  • Décors
    Luiz Carlos Ripper

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