It is said that, at the end of one’s life, every man goes to the garden he has looked after as if he was expected there… Or it might be a dark forest which grew without his help. The trees and the bushes will be both known and unknown to him.
Crossing that forest will allow him to go further, where the echo is crystal clear. He will have one last question to ask an unknown blade of grass among millions of leaves : “Why ?”
Home > Films > The Mystery of Ferns
The Mystery of Ferns
(Kirk Kulok Siri)
- Ouzbékistan
- 1992
- Fiction
- Couleur
- 72′
- 35 mm
- Titre français
Le Mystère des fougères - Original title
Kirk Kulok Siri - Titre international
The Mystery of Ferns - Scénario
Rachid Malikov - Photo
Davron Nadirov - Son
Malik Abdourakhmonov - Musique
Akhmad Bakaev - Interprétation
Shoukhrat Ergachev, Ravshana Matchanova, Amar Kirech, Bakhtiyor Zakirov - Production
Studio Vatan - Support de projection
35 mm
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