Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Leçon de cinéma avec Safi Faye

Leçon de cinéma avec Safi Faye

by Jackie BUET

Capture d’écran 2023-11-03 à 14.14.22

This interview was lead by Jackie Buet in the scope of the retrospective the Festival International de Films de Femmes in Créteil, a festival she founded, threw for Safi Faye in 1998, when Mossane was released in France. Safi Faye retraces her experience, that we can but admire, from her job as a teacher to her studies and her filmmaking, that she precisely evaluates. Even though the filmmaker, who always avoided festivals, may say with a slight smile that exercises are torture for her, her words are striking in their clarity and soft assurance. Humility does not exclude a certain firmness. The interview paints the portrait of an audacious women and a clear minded filmmaker. AR

  • Titre français
    Leçon de cinéma avec Safi Faye
  • Support de projection

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