Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > The Realm of Fortune

The Realm of Fortune
(El imperio de la fortuna)

by Arturo RIPSTEIN

El imperio de la fortuna - Ripstein

Dionisio Pinzon who lives in a state of wretched poverty, rescues a badly wounded cock, left for dead after a bloody fight. Miraculously, the cock recovers and they set off together to find their fortune at cock-fights staged in country fairs. In his travels, Dionisio meets “La Caponera” (“The Ballbreaker”), a singer who has a very independant life-style. She is his “talisman”, and, gradually caging her free spirit, he becomes rich at the card- table. This is the beginning of Dionisio’s new life and revenge on poverty.

  • Titre français
    L’empire de la fortune
  • Original title
    El imperio de la fortuna
  • Titre international
    The Realm of Fortune
  • Scénario
    Paz Alicia Garciadiego
  • Photo
    Angel Goded
  • Montage
    Carlos Savage
  • Musique
    Lucia Alvarez
  • Interprétation
    Ernesto Gomez, Cruz Blanca Guerra, Alejandro Parodi

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