Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > The sierras of Disorder

The sierras of Disorder
(Serras da desordem)

by Andrea TONACCI


Carapirú is a nomad indian who sees his family group massacred in a surprise attack by ranchers. He manages to escape and, for 10 years, wanders through the hills of central brazil. He is captured in November 1988, two thousand kilometers away from his starting point and taken by a sertanista, an explorer, sydney Possuelo, to brasília.

  • Titre français
    Les sierras du désordre
  • Original title
    Serras da desordem
  • Titre international
    The sierras of Disorder
  • Photo
    Aloysio Raulini, Alziro Barbosa, Fernando Coster
  • Montage
    Cristina Amaral
  • Son
    Valéria Martins Ferro, René Brasil
  • Musique
    Rui Weber

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