Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Man With No Name

Man With No Name
(Wu ming zhe)

by WANG Bing

L'Homme sans nom de Wang Bing

In set the ruins of an abandoned village surrounded by an old wall, inhabited by one only person, a man that has no name. The day he works like an animal within the ruins and fields, at night, he sleeps like a wild and woolly person in a cave. Supporting his self-sufficient lifestyle on the very fringe of society. He does not talk to anyone. From time to time he talks to himself.

  • Titre français
    L’Homme sans nom
  • Original title
    Wu ming zhe
  • Titre international
    Man With No Name
  • Photo
    WANG Bing, LU Songye
  • Montage
    Adam KERBY
  • Son
    WANG Bing
  • Ventes internationales
    Galerie Chantal Crousel : karen@crousel.com

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