Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Memories Look at me

Memories Look at me
(Ji Yi Wang Zhe Wo)

by SONG Fang

Memories Look At Me - Stills 03 - Daughter Fang and Mother

Instead of family portraits full of noise and fury, Song Fang prefers to explore a family’s intimacy and its limits for her first film (which received an award at Locarno). Playing herself, she travels to Beijing to visit her parents. In their Nanjing flat, which filters out the city’s noise, the household’s calm is as restful as it is disquieting. From day to day, the young woman lives with the couple’s old age, listens to their reminiscing about a difficult past (sensitively capturing her mother’s memories), their talk about an anxious present (a young family friend who is dying in hospital) and an uncertain future (her mother and brother want to find a solution to her overly long single status). The gentleness of the static shots recording the conversations does not necessarily imply a gentle way of life, relationships at peace and an acceptance of passing time. When Song Fang films occasional shots of her sleeping parents, it is their death that she is anticipating. CG

  • Titre français
    Memories Look at me
  • Original title
    Ji Yi Wang Zhe Wo
  • Titre international
    Memories Look at me
  • Photo
    Guan Dong-Pei, Zhou Weng-Cao
  • Montage
    Song Fang
  • Interprétation
    Song Fang, Song Di-jin, Song Yuan, Ye Yu-zhu
  • Production
    Xstream Pictures
  • Producteur délégué
    Jia Zhang-ke, Song Fang
  • Ventes internationales
    Xstream Pictures : evalam267@163.com
  • Support de projection
  • Sous-titrage
    VOST électronique
  • Ratio

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