Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Miramar



The frames in Miramar are images of the education of an adolescent. Adolescence here is not a passage place but a moment with its own perfection, its “maturity” and the merit of having been carried out by one’s own hands as one follows the march of natural events. Adolescence is the period of one’s life where sexuality emerges, and one’s relationship with human beings make way for a relationship with things. It marks a mutation: imagination mak.es one’s identification with others stronger.

Miramar is like an adolescent, an orphan. It transfigures and assesses its own existence as it precociously puts film-making, art, as the main tool, the main objective, the main aim of its destiny. From the beginning, it discovers, experiments, reads, devotes, invents and shows its own “dream” : how to get equipped for an artistic adventure? What is a film-maker? What is the music of light? The film shows a fabric of lavish images – with different textures and meanings – in the trajectory of Miramar.

  • Titre français
  • Original title
  • Titre international
  • Scénario
    Julio Bressane
  • Interprétation
    Joâo Rebello, Giulia Gam, Diego Vilela, Lovise Cardoso, Bia Nunes, Fernanda Torres, Claudio Mamberti, Noa Bressane, Paschoal Villaboim, Carolina Sa
  • Production
    Rio Filme
  • Support de projection
    35 mm

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