Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Mortu Nega

Mortu Nega
(Mortu Nega)

by Flora GOMES

1973. Diminga, a 30-year-old Guinean woman, joins her husband Sako on the front. She walks through the bush with the fighters and gradually discovers her country ruined and devastated by years of colonial occupation. Days of sorrow: everywhere death has left its mark on the landscape. Days of hope, too: soon the liberation war will be over…

1977. Peace is not the end of war. There is much joy and laughter in Diminga’s village. The country is stricken with a new curse – drought. People have to struggle again and again for war to bear its fruit. So Diminga calls upon the ancient gods…

  • Titre français
    Mortu Nega
  • Original title
    Mortu Nega
  • Titre international
    Mortu Nega
  • Scénario
    Flora Gomes
  • Photo
    Dominique Gentil
  • Montage
    Christiane Lack
  • Musique
    Sidonio Pais Quaresma, Djanuno Dabo'
  • Interprétation
    Bia Gomes, Tunu Eugenio Almada, Mamadu Uri Baldé, M'Male Nhassé, Sinho Pedro Da Silva, Homna Naleté, Caio Leucadio Almeida, Irene Lopes
  • Production
    Instituto Nacional de Cinema
  • Sous-titrage

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