Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Qiu Yue

Qiu Yue
(Qiu Yue)

by LAW Clara

Hong-Kong : Wai, a Chinese girl of 15, realises that autumn exists between summer and winter. On the ceiling of the room, above the computer, a traditional paper craane hangs. Through the door slightly ajar, Wai can see her family preparing the trunk sfor the long voyage : emigration to Canada. Tokio, a Japanese man, arrives in Hong-Kong, filming ail that he sees and recording his verbal impressions on the differences between his country and his own. He’s in Hong Kong to discover the pleasures of Chinese cooking. He meets Wai while fishing and talks with her in English. To satisfy his curiosity about good eating, Wai takes Tokio to MacDonald’s… That’s where she celebrates her birthdays, and she won’t admit that all fast foods restaurants are the same everywhere. Wai then takes Tokio home, where only her aged grandmother remains. Tokio runs into the sister of his first wife. They end up making love. Wai takes a trip to an island with the boy she loves and discovers the pleasures and pains of love..

  • Titre français
    Qiu Yue
  • Original title
    Qiu Yue
  • Titre international
    Qiu Yue
  • Scénario
    Fong Ling-Ching
  • Photo
    Tony Leung
  • Montage
    Fong Ling-Ching
  • Interprétation
    Masatoshi Nagase, Li Piu Wai, Choi Siu Wan, Maki Kiuchi, Sun Ching Hung
  • Production
    Trix Films
  • Support de projection
    35 mm

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