Sadry and Yadi work at a petrol station now removed from the main traffic routes. It is winter and heavy snow lies on the ground. Sadry takes off from time to time and seems obsessed with the weather. Yadi is in love with a girl from a nearby town and sends her passionate letters via the local postman. Occasionally they receive a visit from the neighbourhood undertaker, their only contact with the exterior.
Home > Films > A Few Kilos of Dates for a Funeral
A Few Kilos of Dates for a Funeral
(Chand kilo khorma baraye marassem-e tadfin)
by Saman SALOUR
- Iran
- 2006
- Fiction
- Noir & Blanc
- 85′
- Farsi
- Titre français
Quelques kilos de dattes pour un enterrement - Original title
Chand kilo khorma baraye marassem-e tadfin - Titre international
A Few Kilos of Dates for a Funeral - Scénario
Saman Salour - Photo
Touraj Aslani - Son
Mohammad Shahverdi, Mohammad Reza Youssefi - Musique
Aria Azimi-Nejad - Interprétation
Mohsen Tanabandeh, Nader Fallah, Mohsen Namjour, Mahmoud Nazaralian, Hassan Rashid-Ghamat, Reza Tarhani. - Ventes internationales
DreamLab Films, Nasrine Medard de Chardon : - Prix obtenus
Montgolfière d'Or, Prix du Public, F3C 2006
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