Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > Reflexions

(Al Li Si De Jin Zi)

by YAO Hung-i


Jin sings with an underground rock band. She’s the “masculine” partner in a lesbian relationship with Mi. They have an agreement: if either of them settles down with a boyfriend, they’ll break off their relationship. Mi meets Hao and nervously edges into an affair with him. A fortune teller told her that she’d meet a guy who would love her very much, and Mi comes to feel very strongly that Hao is the one. Jin can sense that Mi is drifting away from her. At the same time she feels abandoned by her mother, who also has a new male friend. Jin becomes more and more emotionally fragile, in need of love and protection. Bitterly jealous of Hao, she considers taking her revenge on him. Jin looks back on this unhappy episode, and reflects that it’s the memory she would most like to erase…

  • Titre français
  • Original title
    Al Li Si De Jin Zi
  • Titre international
  • Scénario
    Yao Hung-i
  • Photo
    Mark Lee Ping-bin
  • Montage
    Liao Ching-song
  • Son
    Tu Duu-Chih, Tan Xian-chu
  • Musique
    Lin Giong
  • Interprétation
    Tuan Chun-hao, Oy Gin, Nikki Shie, Lu Yi-ching, Jack Kao

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