Born in Guatemala, Juan, Sara and Samuel are hoping for a better life and attempting to reach the United States. Travelling through Mexico, they meet Chauk, and Indian from Chiapas who speaks no Spanish and joins up with them. But during their journeys on freight trains or alongside the rail tracks, they confront a hard and violent reality. Quemada-Diez never surrenders to melodrama, never becomes a horrifying film tract. The film’s extreme tension is rooted in the banal reality of these teenage lives. With no storyline contrivances, the impressive composition of the trio of young actors and the discreet yet remorseless mise en scène converge to implicitly point up man’s eternal imprisonment, out of one cage into another. GM
Home > Films > Rêves d’or
Rêves d’or
(La jaula de oro)
- Titre français
Rêves d’or - Original title
La jaula de oro - Scénario
Diego Quemada-Diez, Licia Carreras, Gibran Portela - Photo
María Secco - Montage
Paloma López - Musique
Leonardo Heiblum, Jacobo Lieberma - Interprétation
Brandon Lopez, Karen Martinez Pineda, Carlos Chajon, Rodolfo Dominguez, Ricardo Esquerra, Hector Tahuite, Alejandro Solalinde, César Banuelos, José Concepcion Macias, Gilberto Barraza - Production
Machete Producciones, Kinemascope, Animal de Luz - Distribution
Pretty Pictures : - Support de projection
DCP - Sous-titrage
VO - Ratio
2:35 (scope)