Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOV. 15>23, 2024, Nantes France

Home > Films > Rising Up at Night

Rising Up at Night
(Tongo Saa)

by Nelson MAKENGO

Rising Up at Night - Still 7

Rising Up at Night wrests from Kinshasa’s endless nocturnal visions, fragments, faces gleaming in flashes of torchlight, while feet, knees and hips wade through ochre-coloured waters. In the suburbs, Dantesque flooding has dealt a death blow to the precarious electricity system, while voice-over news reports describe the fiasco of a colossal Hispano-Chinese project for a dam that will supposedly supply power to 80 million Congolese. Nelson Makengo lets his photographer’s eye wander over what scant light survives, given off by trinkets made in China, huckster Father Christmases, pairs of angry eyes and trance-inducing religious prayers. He anchors his film in the tradition of the urban symphony, but at the level of the canoes circulating along drowned streets in the ink-black night and the River Congo’s muddy waters. AR

  • Titre français
    Rising Up at Night
  • Original title
    Tongo Saa
  • Titre international
    Rising Up at Night
  • Scénario
    Nelson MAKENGO
  • Photo
    Nelson MAKENGO
  • Montage
  • Son
    Franck MOKA, Moimi WEZAM, Laszlo UMBREIT, Rémi GERARD
  • Musique
  • Production
    Mutotu Productions, Twenty Nine Studio & Production
  • Ventes internationales
    Square Eyes : info@squareeyesfilm.com
  • Support de projection
  • Sous-titrage
    VOSTF, VOST électronique

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