Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Saudade do Futuro

Saudade do Futuro
(Saudade do Futuro)

by Cesar PAES & Marie-Clémence BLANC-PAES

Southern Brazil’s mega-cities have always attracted the poorest inhabitants from the Nordeste. Some of them are successful, other are not. But ail of them remain “Nordestinos”. With the tempo of “repentes”, improvised rhymes and musical contests, the migrants from the North talk about São Paulo, about the future of the city. But above all, they talk, with humour and dérision, about their own far from rosy future.

  • Titre français
    Saudade do Futuro
  • Original title
    Saudade do Futuro
  • Titre international
    Saudade do Futuro
  • Scénario
    Marie-Clémence BLANC-PAES et César PAES
  • Photo
    Cesar PAES
  • Montage
  • Son
    João GODOY
  • Musique
    Sonhador et Peneira, Banda de Pifáno de Caruarú, Lindalva et Terezinha et Palito, Cbeleira et Edezel, Siba et Mauricio do Mestre Ambrósio
  • Production
    Laterit Productions, Cobra Films, LX Films, AF cinema e video
  • Support de projection
    35 mm

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