Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > The Beach of the Lost Children

The Beach of the Lost Children
(Chateh al atfal ad'daÏ'ne)

by Jillali FERHATI


Mina no longer goes to the beach to play with her friends.She has disappeared.Her father keeps her under lock and key, away from the prying eyes of the rest of the world. Mina is pregnant. Her lover can no longer “make up” for what happened. Mina has killed him and buried his corpse on the beach, under a mountain of salt. Her father keeps her locked up, but his love for his daughter simply grows. His second wife, considered to be stérile, now avenges herself by showing off her pregnancy about the town. Hearing the frightening screams which corne from the abandoned villa, the inhabitants of the small village on the cliffs overlooking the sea begin to lose their patience. When the secrets which must be held hidden are too overbearing, the screams in the night become suffocating. Neither the law of tradition nor her father’s love are sufficient to make Mina change her mind. When her child is born, she will find the strength to shout her version of the truth to the reste of the town.

“I wanted to tell a universal story that touches the heart of everyone regardless of their culture or origin. Concealment is not specific to the Arab tradition; the fear of scandal is shared by all societies. What interests me is the secret, the one between the daughter and the father, the one of the
the one between the daughter and the father, the one of the mother-in-law, the one of the inhabitants of the village who are involved in smuggling.
The sea is a secret, salt breathes a secret. While Arab cinema is rather talkative, I chose sobriety to bring the audience back to the essential, the truth of the characters.
I am a frustrated painter and a frustrated writer. Through the cinema, I bring together painting and writing. – Jillali Ferhati

  • Titre français
    The Beach of the Lost Children
  • Original title
    Chateh al atfal ad'daÏ'ne
  • Titre international
    The Beach of the Lost Children
  • Scénario
    Jillali Ferhati
  • Photo
    Gilberto Azevedo et Jacques Besse
  • Montage
    Nathalie Perrey
  • Musique
    Djamal Allam
  • Interprétation
    Souad Ferhati, Mohamed Timod, Fatima Loukili, Al-arbi el Al-Yacoubi, Mohamed Al-arbi Hazzan, Nazha Zakaria, Safya Al-Ziyani, Ahmad Al-mrabat
  • Production
    Heracles Productions avec la participation du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères (France), du Ministère de la Culture (France), du Fond d'Action Sociale et de2M International (Maroc)

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