Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > The Image Threads

The Image Threads
(Chitra Sutram)

by Vipin VIJAY

The image threads

“I had a dream about reality. It was such a relief to wake up!” This aphorism by the poet Stanislaw Jerzy Lec opens Vipin Vijay’s third feature, revealing its dreamlike dimension and chameleon transformations, but also a Nietzschean approach to truth. A computer science teacher questions his genealogy by communicating with his shamanist grandfather and an avatar in a place where the divide between the subconscious, computing and cosmogony becomes indistinguishable. This hyperlinked universe lends the virtual world an organic and spiritual obviousness, while at the same time rearranging reality as an optical illusion. An exciting dialogue between different types of texts and images reminds us here of the cinema’s impurity and of the miracles that screens can work. AR

  • Titre français
    The Image Threads
  • Original title
    Chitra Sutram
  • Titre international
    The Image Threads
  • Scénario
    Vipin VIJAY
  • Photo
    Shahnad JALAL
  • Montage
    Debkamal GANGULY
  • Son
    Subhadeep SENGUPTA
  • Interprétation
  • Production
    Unknown Films
  • Producteur délégué
    Altaf MAZID
  • Support de projection
    35 mm
  • Sous-titrage

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