Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Tico-Tico Is in a Mess

Tico-Tico Is in a Mess
(Tico-Tico no fuba)

by Adolfo CELI

Based on the life of popular composer Zéquinha de Abreu. A young civil servant in a provincial town, his engagement is not approved of by an old single aunt. As he goes to collect tax from a circus, he falls in love with a horsewoman who steals a score from him and then has it performed during the show, which makes his fiancée furious. That night he composes Tico-Tico no Fuba. Feeling some remorse he leaves the horsewoman. He then goes through failures and frustrations and falls ill; he follows his former fiancée’s advice and settles in Sào Paulo. There one day, he finds the horsewoman and starts playing the tune he composed for her but, overwhelmed by emotion, he dies in her arms…

  • Titre français
    Tico-Tico dans le pétrin
  • Original title
    Tico-Tico no fuba
  • Titre international
    Tico-Tico Is in a Mess
  • Scénario
    Oswaldo Sampaio, Jacques Maret
  • Photo
    José Maria Beltran, H. E. Fowle
  • Montage
    Oswald Haffenrichter
  • Musique
    Zéquinha de Abreu, Radamés Gnatalli
  • Interprétation
    Anselmo Duarte, Marisa Prado, Tonia Carrera, Modesto de Souza, Lima Barreto, Ziembinski, Francisco Sa, Marina Freire, Piolim, Vera Sampaio
  • Production
    Vera Cruz, Fernando de Barras, Alfredo Celi

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