Festival 3 Continents
Compétition internationale
47th edition
NOV. 21>29, 2025, Nantes France

Home > Films > Time and Tide

Time and Tide
(Shun liu ni liu)

by TSUI Hark


Time: the always deferred duel between a young bodyguard and a trigger happy ex-mercenary, among gangster’s and lots of entertaining gun play. Tide: Master’s Tsui Hark’s rapid-shots, fast pace narration and over the top editing are breakaway cinematographic lesson. The new cinematographic century starts with Time and tide, this sanctuary of forms entirely dedicated to space-time brake down, takes you on a chaotic cosmic and molecular ride or to say it more simply: the best-of-them-all action film! JB

  • Titre français
    Time and Tide
  • Original title
    Shun liu ni liu
  • Titre international
    Time and Tide
  • Scénario
    Tsui Hark, Koan Hui
  • Photo
    Chiu-Lam Ko, Herman Yau
  • Montage
    Marco Mak
  • Musique
    Tommy Wai
  • Interprétation
    Nicholas Tse, Cathy Chui, Wu Bai, Candy Lo
  • Production
    Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia, Film Workshop
  • Support de projection
    35 mm
  • Ratio
    2:35 (scope)

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