Compétition internationale
46th edition
NOVEMBER 15>23, 2024, Nantes - France

Home > Films > The dictation

The dictation
(Visa - La Dictée)

by Ibrahim LETAIEF

la dictée

An entertaining parody of the inscreasingly sophisticated acrobatic feats that Tunisians are forces to perfom to obtain an entry visa to France. The latest imaginary law on immigration imposes a new test to pass: a dictation in French.The visa is obtained with no mistakes. For poor Rachid this is the start of a forces immersion in the language of French: programmes on France Culture, music by Trenet and “nouvelle cuisine”…

  • Titre français
    Visa – La Dictée
  • Original title
    Visa - La Dictée
  • Titre international
    The dictation
  • Scénario
    Ibrahim Letaief
  • Photo
    Sofiéne El-Fani
  • Montage
    Nadia Ben Rachid
  • Son
    Yves Lévesque
  • Interprétation
    Jamal Madani, Jamila Chihi, Lotfi Dziri

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