Call 2017
Produire au Sud and the University of Nantes is opening its call for the Scholar-in-Residence Programme for the Produire au Sud 2017 edition, which will be held from November 20 to 26 (The Festival of Three Continent will be held from 21 to 28, 2017).
Research projects presented to the Selection Committee can deal with a variety of topics including:
– The international coproduction world,
– Film support mechanisms,
– New technologies and the evolution of the global film industry,
– Cooperation between different film professions (director, producer, distributor, production and post-production personnel…),
– Global narratives and cross-cultural storytelling,
– Intercultural working relations (business cultures, cross-cultural communications, language and translation),
– Training and education studies
The programme is open to academics from all disciplines, notably Film and Media Studies, Area Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Business Studies, etc.
Panels and interviews are all led in English.
Food and accommodation will be offered to the scholar for the duration of Produire au Sud. He/She will take charge of the travelling fee to and from Nantes.
Residence Organisation
Research activities during Produire au Sud:
– The academic will be able to attend the collective sessions and some individual sessions during the Produire au Sud week.
– He/She will also be given individual interview time with the participants.
– The scholar will give at least one lecture at the Maison de la Recherche of the University of Nantes for Produire au Sud participants, University of Nantes scholars, and the guests from the Nantes Institute for Advanced Study Foundation (IEA).
Feedback and Research-in-progress
After Produire au Sud, the scholar will present two reports:
– a 1,000-1,500-word confidential feedback on his/her experience for the Selection Committee. Deadline: January 5, 2018.
– a 3,000-word essay using data gathered during his/her stay in Nantes. This essay will appear on the Produire au Sud website, in order to create the Produire au Sud Knowledge Bank. Deadline: March 31, 2018.
Selection Process
Candidates are to provide a 1,000-word research project for which Produire au Sud would be a fruitful investigation field, and a detailed Curriculum Vita. Documents should be sent in PDF file to the Selection Committee for April 30, 2017.
Click to reach the form to be filled in online.
Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed by Skype in May 2017.
Selection results will be given in June 2017.
The members of the Selection Committee are:
Guillaume Mainguet | Responsable Produire au SudNolwenn Mingant | Université de NanteKatell Léon | Université de RenneJulia Hammett-Jamart | CoRN
Sélection 2017
Dr Ana Viñuela of the Université Paris III (La Sorbonne Nouvelle) was the inaugural scholar in residence for the first year of the program, in 2017.
During her residency, Dr Viñuela presented her research on co-production at a roundtable which was open to the public and held at the Natural History Museum.
The article she wrote drawing upon her research at Produire au Sud appears in a forthcoming volume European Film and Television Co-production: Policy and Practice (Palgrave Macmillan), which can be pre-ordered at this link.