Each year via this website, applications are solicited from the scholarly community. Applicants from all disciplines, notably Film and Media Studies, Area Studies, Anthropology, Sociology, Business Studies, etc. are invited to present a research proposal of their own devising, which may touch upon a variety of topics including, but not limited to:
- The practice of international co-production
- Film support mechanisms
- New technologies and the evolution of the global film industry
- Cooperation between different film professions (director, producer, distributor, production and post-production personnel…)
- Global narratives and cross-cultural storytelling
- Intercultural working relations (business cultures, cross-cultural communications, language and translation)
- Training and education studies
Organisation of the Residency
The duration of the residency correlates to the duration of Produire au Sud workshop (which is slightly shorter than the Festival of Three Continents). Food and accommodation will be provided for the scholar for the duration of the residency. Transport to and from Nantes will be at the scholar’s own expense.
- Research activities during Produire au Sud include attendance at collective sessions and some individual sessions
- Individual interview time with the participants, subject to standard ethics clearance procedures.
- The scholar will give at least one lecture at the Maison de la Recherche of the University of Nantes. The audience may consist of Produire au Sud participants, University of Nantes scholars, and invited guests from the Nantes Institute for Advanced Study Foundation (IEA).
Feedback and Research-in-progress
Upon completion of the residency, the scholar will present two reports:
Confidential feedback on his/her experience for the Selection Committee (1,000-1,500 words within mutually agreed time-frame.
An essay using data gathered during his/her stay in Nantes (approx. 3,000 words). This essay will be made available on the Produire au Sud website, in order to create the Produire au Sud Knowledge Bank.
Selection Process
In response to the call for expressions of interest, candidates are to provide a 1,000-word research proposal, indicating how and why Produire au Sud would be a fruitful field of investigation. This should be accompanied by a full Curriculum Vitae. Applicants must be fluent in English as this is the working language of the workshop.
The Selection Committee is Chaired by the Executive Director of the Produire au Sud workshop and comprised of representatives from the Festival des Trois Continents, the University of Nantes and the Co-production Research Network (CoRN).
Selection 2018
Dr Julia Hammett-Jamart of the Co-production Research Network has been named as the 2018 Scholar in Residence. She will be working in close partnership with Katell Leon from the Festival des Trois Continents to explore the impact upon the creative process of the industrial mechanisms associated with international co-production. Their research will have a particular focus upon cultural exchange – institutionalized asymmetries in power relations and how such obstacles are negotiated in the context of the creative process. Their shared aim is to generate a publication based upon the six case-studies from Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mozambique, Nigeria and Columbia.
During her residency, Dr Hammett-Jamart will give a public lecture hosted by the Centre de Recherche sur les Identités, les Nations et l’Interculturalité (CRINI) at the Faculty of Languages, University of Nantes. Full details to follow.