– Workshop: October 23-30, 2016 (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
– 2nd stage: February 23-28, 2017 (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
– 3rd stage: July 1-3, 2017 (Bangkok, Thailand)
Project selection
SINGAPORE | In the Eyes of a Stranger
directed by Yeo Siew HUA
produced by Fran BORGIA
SINGAPORE | You Are There
directed by Nicole Midori WOODFORD
produced by Jeremy CHUA
directed by Nontawat NUMBENCHAPOL
produced by Supatcha THIPSENA et Steve CHEN
THAILAND | Regretfully at Dawn – Arunkarn
directed by Sivaroj KONGSAKUL
produced by Pimpaka TOWIRA
VIETNAM | Cu Li Never Cries
directed by Pham Ngoc LAN
produced by Di Phan DANG
– Remi Bonhomme, Semaine de la Critique du Festival de Cannes, general coordinator
– Sophie Bourdon, head of Locarno Open Doors
– Isabelle Glachant, Asian Shadow, producer
– Pen-ek Ratanaruang, director
– Anocha Suwichakornpong, Electric Eel Films, director et producer
– Denis Vaslin, Volya Films, producer and Produire au Sud coordinator
– Guillaume Mainguet, head of Produire au Sud