Dubai Studio City
in5 is an enabling platform for entrepreneurs and start-ups, offering five key benefits through its robust start-up framework, creative spaces and specialised industry centres, training and mentorship programmes, community-wide networking events and access to investors. in5 nurtures ideas and businesses to their next phase of growth.
Produire au Sud
Created in 2000, as part of the Festival of 3 Continents (Nantes, France), Produire au Sud (PAS) is a training workshop focusing on the development and packaging of film projects suitable for co-production. It aims to familiarize young/emerging producers and filmmakers based in Africa, Asia, and Latin America with a variety of key tools and international coproduction techniques through group work and individual coaching on their projects.
About Institut Français
The Institut Français in the United Arab Emirates is the cooperation and cultural department of the French Embassy. It is responsible for promoting French creation, thought and language, as well as fostering bilateral exchanges and cultural, artistic, educational, academic and scientific partnerships between France and the UAE. It follows the cultural and educative aspects of the French-Emirati strategic dialogue. It is involved in a vast range of activities. It organizes cultural events in various fields such as visual arts, performing art, cinema and debates. It supports the French cultural and educative institutions, as well as cultural and creative industries in their development projects in the UAE.