Cinema, like literature before it, is in its element when it comes to family. Laboratories exploring personal passions by giving free rein to the excesses of imagination, other people’s families are always a bit like our own: perhaps far removed from our actual experiences, yet they couldn’t be more… familiar. From a clash between two very different families in Parasite, to the burden of tradition in Sofia; a story of adoption in Gran Torino; and a retake on personal memories in La Ciénaga, while clear differences exist between the films in this programme, they are all part of the same extended family and any resemblance between them is no coincidence. This programme is suited to all audiences. In addition, the Festival has compiled an educational booklet for secondary-school teachers, as this programme is our invitation to their students to attend.

Gente de bien
by Franco LOLLI
France, Colombia — 2014
France, Colombia — 2014

Gran Torino
United States — 2008
United States — 2008

The Swamp
(La Ciénaga)
by Lucrecia MARTEL
Argentina — 2001
Argentina — 2001

Les Bienheureux
(Les Bienheureux)
by Sofia DJAMA
France, Belgium, Qatar — 2017
France, Belgium, Qatar — 2017

by BONG Joon-ho
South Korea — 2019
South Korea — 2019

by Meryem BENM'BAREK
France, Maroc, Qatar — 2018
France, Maroc, Qatar — 2018

Like Father, Like Son
(Soshite chichi ni naru)
by Hirokazu KORE-EDA
Japan — 2013
Japan — 2013

Tokyo Story
(Tôkyô monogatari)
by Yasujiro OZU
Japan — 1953
Japan — 1953